Thursday, November 10, 2011

Eye Brows!

Dear Readers!
Ah I am so sorry that I have no been blogging as much lately! I have gotten a lot of really great suggestions so be expecting some cool posts coming up. I promise I will post more than once a week and give everyone some fun things to look out! So with out further a do...

Today I am going to blog about eyebrows! My friend Gracie told me it would be cool to show how to pluck your eyebrows! I personally just get my eyebrows waxed at a salon, so I don't necessarily know how to pluck eyebrows, BUT here are some good videos on how to! I DO NOT advice you to do this unless you really know what you doing because eyebrows can get screwed up really easily! Here are a few helpful videos and links.

You can also do things to make your eyebrows look thicker.
How to thicken your eyebrows- this link should help you out in thickening your eyebrows.

Although I don't know much about eyebrows. These links really helped me, so they should probably help you! Remember I am always loving suggestion! Thanks for the views!

Much Love,

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Dear Clean Readers!
This post is about all types of conditioner! So as most of you all know I have SUPER long hair! It was really hard for me to manage and I used to HATE my hair, but I have found some techniques that work super well.
For Hair-
Once a week I will use a deep conditioner for my hair. Honastly, I don't think any of us need to be spending on our money on expensive hair things, so I go the cheap route. I have and use a Pantiene Pro Length Deep Condition! This make my hair feel amazing! It comes in a little tube and I don't have to pay a lot of money for something I love! This isn't just for long hair either! It can help you pretty much just manage your dead ends. Here are a couple links of other great, cheap deep conditioners
My Fav- Pantene Pro Length- around six $
Bioluxe- around 10$
Nexxus- Around 16 $ too expensive for me ;) haha

So these are all products that you wash out! But For leave in conditioners my Go to products are Garnier Fructise! These products are seriously all amazing! I recommend their leave in products to everyone! Here is there homepage! They have great prices too!

So that's about it for hair conditioning. If you have any questions please message me on facebook or comment on this blog. I love feedback! Now here is a little on face conditioning. So, there are a million different types of skin tones. You could oily or dry and before you go out and buy a certain face moisturizer know your type of skin! I reccomend Aveen ProductsNeutrageena Products, and Clique Products. Click products for links. All these are pretty reasonable prices but I splurge on Clinque. I take face stuff pretty seriously because I know everyone hates breakouts. I am not going to reccomend one particular moisturizer because everyone varies! Remember it is important to moisturize your face before bed, in the morning and before makeup!

Hope you feel conditioned :)
Much Love,